Oman tuotantomme ohuempi extraleveä resori (150cm), joka sopii erityisen hyvin esimerkiksi lasten vaatteisiin ja kanttaamiseen. Tämä käy myös kantinkääntäjään. Materiaaliltaan tämä on pehmoista ja sileää ja palautuu kevyemmästä venytyksestä. Emme suosittele tätä sellaiseen ompeluun, jossa lopputuloksen tulee palautua erittäin kovasta venytyksestä.
HUOM! Toimitetaan auki leikattuna eli ei tuubina kuten resorit yleensä, 1m mittainen pala
- Wash the fabric or the garment made from it at a warm or hot temperature (40-60°C), preferably inside out. This way, you'll save the fabric's outer side from unnecessary mechanical rubbing. We recommend pre-washing the fabric before sewing.
- Avoid tumble drying or using bleach. We recommend flat drying for knits and garments made from them.
- The fabric may shrink by 5-10% in the first wash, with the most significant shrinkage occurring in the length. You can gently reshape a sewn garment while it's still damp after each wash by lightly stretching it back into shape.
- You can iron the fabric or the garment made from it if needed, with a maximum temperature of 150°C (2 dots).
Fast delivery
Your order will be sent from us within 1-2 business days of placing the order.
Delivery charges
Delivery from €4.90 as a package to Finland. Over €150 we deliver for free to Finland. See our terms for international shipping prices.
Payment methods
We use a reliable Finnish service to transfer payments.
All ehta by Dream Circus clothes are always designed, cut, sewn and finished in Finland.