Dream Circus Oy's responsibility report 2021

Release 21 June 2022, publication-free

The small clothing manufacturer is a pioneer in ecology and ethics

The report tells about the responsibility of Dream Circus

We, at the clothing manufacturer in Varkaus Dream Circus Oy now knows to the nearest kilogram how much fabric waste and recycled cardboard was generated in production last year. The amounts of biowaste and recycled paper and plastic are also known, the warehouse manager and executive director East you see weighed all our waste.

Since responsibility has been the core of our brand for us from the beginning, last year we measured our carbon footprint for the first time and made a responsibility report. The circus's first ever sustainability report 2021 is now ready.

Last year, we were among the first companies to join the Carbon-neutral textile industry 2035 commitment in Finland, and as a result, we were able to use a carbon footprint calculator. Thanks to the maternity package order, we produced a record number of 26,075 items of clothing last year. Our total emissions for the year were 135.1 tons, which corresponds to the annual carbon footprint of 12 Finns.

In international standards, emissions are divided into three categories, i.e. emissions generated directly in the company, emissions from electricity and heat production, and the broadest and most challenging category, where emissions generated from, for example, the value chain, procurement and customer use are calculated. Many companies consider only two of the first categories in their carbon footprint. It gives an image of a smaller carbon footprint than reality. Our carbon footprint has also included emissions of the third measurement category in terms of material procurement, because we think it's fair to tell things as they really are.

Calculating the carbon footprint revealed, for example, that the majority of our emissions come from the manufacture of fabrics, which is only taken into account in the third measurement category. The emissions from our own sewing factory and emissions from transportation are significantly lower.

In terms of material choices, the circus's responsibility is summed up in the report in three words: quality, organic and up close. The key words of the procurement chain are openness, authenticity and honesty.

Our material efficiency is described by a couple of words from residual to important. If the fabric surplus is not yours Tähde product series or products of partners, it is further processed into recycled fiber. The goal is that we could once again use our own leftovers as raw material for our own clothes.

The quality and longevity of the products are important to us. It includes timeless patterns and clothing models that can be worn every day of the year. For this reason, we sincerely hope that customers would always consider the real need for their clothing purchases.

The overall picture includes that all our partners commit to our values. We only use certified organic cotton and fabrics. Our clothes are designed and sewn in Finland and the fabrics are produced in two factories in Poland. Factory audits guarantee that our values ​​are the same.

Responsibility comes from small, big actions. That's why, for example, we currently sew under the light of LED lamps, and we will never receive a shipment of fabric smaller than a pallet. One pallet can hold about 50 rolls of tricot or 25 rolls of elastic socks.

After all, we wouldn't have had to do anything for responsibility so thoroughly, and no one demands an extensive responsibility report from such a small company with 14 employees. However, we want everything we do to be transparent to our customers and partners. Greenwashing is foreign to the circus.

By the way, 1,400 kilos of fabric waste was generated during cutting last year, and not a gram of it went into the trash.

More information on the responsibility report: Dream master of ceremonies, creative director of Dream Circus Oy Laura Kemppainen .

Contact primarily by e-mail laura@dreamcircus.fi

Tel. 045 2566 116

The report can be found as a downloadable file by clicking this link.


Dream Circus Oy in a nutshell :

Founded 2018, predecessor KatiK design 2014.

Turnover last year 772,000 euros, employed 14 employees in 2021.

Sales channels: online store, factory store, retailers in Finland, resale of fabrics also abroad.

Values: joy of life, ethics, ecology, locality, domesticity and Finnish work.

Brand condition by Dream Circus registered in Finland, Europe, USA and Japan.

The selection includes clothes, fabrics and interior textiles, all of which are designed and manufactured in Finland or as close as possible.

Report summary