We make your clothes / Fashion Revolution 2021



Fashion Revolution 2021

Do you know why 24.4. is it an important day? That's when we celebrate a rather creepy anniversary - namely the anniversary of the collapse of the Rana Plaza building. That building was in Bangladesh and approx. 5,000 workers worked there in garment factories. Clothes for the world's largest international clothing brands were manufactured there, and 1,100 people died and 2,500 were injured in the collapse. Most of these were women. It was one of the most devastating factory accidents in history and the cause was indifference and pure disregard for human rights.

During Fashion Revolution week, you can ask clothing brands around the world #whomademyclothes and demand answers. Of course, you can ask these questions all year round, and we think you should. Clothes can also be made without stripping.

Fashion Revolution 2021

Facelessness is not in and every year around this anniversary, we especially want to show who really makes Ehta by Dream Circus clothes. In April 2021, our team will already have 12 circus people. The making of clothes is often thought of as sewing, but it is also ideas, planning, procurement, storage, cutting, ironing, finishing, checking, photography, packaging, money transfer and all possible different work steps that take place in our Circus.

We can proudly stand here and say: we made these clothes, we make your clothes and we make them here in Finland! In addition to our own circus troupe, clothes are also sewn by our subcontractors Gruppo Carinos and Anu Tikkanen in Tmi Kuopio and Kiteen Tekstiilitehdas in Kitee.

Who made your clothes?